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.-.Tomo Text - a business
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The "What"
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"Business Blogs" by Tor Moltu
"torsblog.com" covers Water, water purifiers, e-commerce and e-marketing:
The info reflects our work with tomotrading.com, waterfiltertraders.com and filterservice.no.
We sell water purifiers, which explains the theme: We wish to share our online experiences so that we, and others, can become better at e-commerce and internet marketing, as well as to show how we improve our concepts.

Wish to participate, send an e-mail and the content will either be linked or posted.
My personal secretary, Wally, will be my "Standin" if and when the workload becomes too heavy

Date.... Topics.................................................................................................................. Format. / illustration.......
Reverse osmosis and desalination:
Reverse Osmosis is used at a technique in the desalination of sea water and brackish water. The key is the treatment of the water before and after it is treated with reverse osmosis. See schematic by Lenntech which gives background info and discusses treatment options.
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Water quality:
• When the Norwegian Minister og Health, Sylvia Brustad, cannot garantee the quality of drinking water from Municipal Water Works in Norway, and has asked for a plan. Visitors who believe that Norwegian water is OK, have a problem. As Norway is a scenic country visited by private yachts, caravans, campers and turists, who drink local water, it is advised that one takes tne necessarry precautions - as drinking bottled water.
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.........© Tomo Trading - Tor Moltu - Fosseveien 8-12 Tistedal - Halden, Norway