Min nåvarende interesse / hobby - er animasjon - hvor jeg sliter i motbakke - da det er mer komplisert enn antatt.
Her er en Storyboard for "Toadally kissed" - som gjøres i Flash:
Animasjoner er "in" og jeg prøver å ta et grep. Jeg har nok alltid vært en slags tosk - og dette er bare en bekreftelse.
Here is the cast - then the text and lastly the scenes.
Have also included an "Audio track" - just click .
The cast:
.. ..
Wally the Cool Frog - once kissed The Princess Wants to be a prince The crow -
The scenes: Audio (format MP3):

Scene 1:
- …  Tor has asked me to speak to you.
- He has a challenge – and - you are it –
- But somewhere – somewhere things just  went wrong:
- Remember  when he kissed you – or rather, YOU kissed him?
- That is when he CHANGED!!

Scene 2:
 - How did he change??
- Well look…
- Tor? - Tor?! - Come up here, Tor
- Show yourself!
- You see – how you left him
- He has become  ”A toad” !
- Don´t feel at all good about this – do you - Tor?

- Tor – Would you like to say something?!

Scene 3:
- … all he wanted to be, was a prince – your own private love.
- Now he is Tweeked!  –
 - The wicked EX, the witch she is,  has cast a spell.
- BREAK IT!! Break it! - Bring him back!!
-  … or he will be lost – forever! – Unless

- What if you kissed him again – once more?                                         

Scene 4:
- One little kiss  -… And the spell will be brokern!! –
- Then you can love him - and make him a partner in life.
- All you have to do, is:
– ”just kiss him again!” 

Zap – flash – swoosh (turns into Tor)

- See …        

Scene 5:
-  WOW - Hi Babe– My name is Tor - And thanks babe  – Finally back to normal,
- Now – where was I ...? - Oh Yea
- You still here? - I´ve got things to do … and ...

Zap – flash – swoosh (turns into crow)

- Sorry Tor – Some people just never learn! 

Private sfære : Blogg av Tor Moltu