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......................Analytics tools opens for better control over your visitors

...........Analytics tools opens for insight into the traffic your site generates:

Google wants you to get high rankings and have provided a series of tools to this end.
- Google wants their visitors to have positive experiences on the net - and you help them provide it.
- Google both rewards and punishes - depending how you relate to their rules.
• If you wish to find out if you are searchable - copy your URL in the search field - and hit return.

This session gives an overview over most of the tools available - and how to interpret the results.
• AdWords is the easiest of Googles set of tools:
AdWords is the key to advertising in Google. It comes in two versions, for beginners and Advanced. Once you have crossed over to Advanced, there is no turning back.
- Adverts in AdWords are called sponsored links, and you pay every time someone clicks through to your pages - PPC.
- You decide which part of the world, country or area you wish to advertise in.
Google Analytics gives information on traffic:
Who visits your site? Where do they come from and where do they go? Can you affect the traffic? Can you adjust your site for higher rankings?
- All of this is available in Googles toolkit.
- Nice to know - but it opens for some serious work.
• Entry search words: Which keywords words the the best?
- Search is governed by words, phrases, and combinatioins of words. Which are in use and which give results?

- Entry sources - Where do they come from?
- Which sources give traffic to your site? What comes as organic hits and what comes through sponsored links?
- Geographic overlay - by demographics:
Google has a separate module which traces visitors to every corner of the world. This allows you to monitor which part of which country and which town.

This is information which allows you to focus on active searchers.
• Click patterns - Where do your visitors go?
Which informations - or links, are the most important? Here Google measures the relative importance of each and every link. Google not only offers a tracking of each and every link, but gives it as a %-age of every click.
- You can judge the strengths and weaknesses of your site.
Funnels and tracking: .
This is a fabulous tool. It visualizes where your visitors come from and where they go - after visiting your site.
- WebDesigner Tools: Feed back on your searchability.
Which of your net pages are searchable and picked up by search engines? Here your have the answer. from here you can relocate links which are broken and repair faults which have occured.

©Tomo Trading - Steintreveien 3 - 5238 Rådal • Contact Tor Moltu • Mobil (47) 416 73 666 - tor@tomotrading.no