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..........................Web.1.0 was "connecting people to information".

...........Web 2.0 is "connecting people to people." - How do you exploit it?

Web 2.0 is a manifestation of consumer power, the socialization of the web.
Here there are a whole series of techniques that are in use.

The last 15 years internet has devoted itsself to connectong people to information. That period is being suppolemented by a new driving force, the Web 2.0.
• This new era on the internet appeals to the user. The question is how do you exploit it.

Companies believe that they own their "brand names" - Wrong - the customer owns the brand name - and the sooner one learns to accept this, the sooner you can find your place on the "socialized web.

- How to exploit this new power generated by the Web 2.0.

How do you compete, think in a new and different manner - a question of attitude.

Why does the public own trade marks and not the companies?

"Interuption" marketing is being substituted by "permission" marketing

We run through a series of examples success stories and mistakes from the real world.

Setting up and running a blog - the easy way.

Techniques for segmenting markets, getting a greater presence, are themes

How accessable are video and sound? We give examples and solutions.

From blog to blogosphere.

©Tomo Trading - Steintreveien 3 - 5238 Rådal • contact Tor Moltu • Mobil (47) 416 73 666 - tor@tomotrading.no